
A static site generator that can put the toothpaste back in the tube.
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generate_rss.pl (2813B)

      1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      2 % File: generate_rss.pl
      3 % Description: Predicates to generate an RSS file.
      4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      6 :- include('helpers.pl').
      7 :- include('rss.pl').
      9 % generate_rss(+Filenames).
     10 %	Filenames is a list of atoms containing paths to all Markdown files with a date.
     11 %	These files will be read and used to generate an RSS of the most
     12 %	recent posts.
     13 generate_rss(Filenames, BuildDate):-
     14 	% Read in all the files so we have their dates and contents.
     15 	files_to_articles(Filenames, Articles),
     16 	% Convert to RSS and write to stdout.
     17 	rss(BuildDate, Articles, RSSCodes, []),
     18 	write_codes(user_output, RSSCodes),
     19 	halt.
     21 % generate_rss.
     22 %       Alternative interface to generate_rss(+Filenames) that reads
     23 %       the list of files from stdin. This allows the filenames to be piped
     24 %       from the output of another command like grep.
     25 generate_rss(BuildDate):-
     26 	read_file(user_input, FileListCodes),
     27 	file_list(FileList, FileListCodes, []),
     28 	generate_rss(FileList, BuildDate).
     31 file_list([]) --> [].
     33 file_list([File|FileList]) -->
     34 	anything(FileCodes),
     35 	newline,
     36 	file_list(FileList),
     37 	{ atom_codes(File, FileCodes) }.
     40 % files_to_articles(+Filenames, -Articles).
     41 %	Read in each file as an article predicate.
     42 files_to_articles([], []).
     44 files_to_articles([Filename|Filenames], [article(FormattedDate, FormattedTitle, Link, Description)|Articles]):-
     45 	open(Filename, read, Stream),
     46 	read_file(Stream, HTML),
     47 	close(Stream),
     48 	% Grab the link.
     49 	get_link(Filename, Link),
     50 	% Extract the title, entry, etc. from the HTML.
     51 	page(Entry, _, _, Date, Title, HTML, []),
     52 	% Format the date according to RFC 822.
     53 	format_date(FormattedDate, Date),
     54 	% XML escape the description.
     55 	replace("&", "&", Entry, EntryAmp),
     56 	replace("<", "&lt;", EntryAmp, EntryLT),
     57 	replace(">", "&gt;", EntryLT, Description),
     58 	% Convert named HTML entities to numeric entities in the title.
     59 	% Named entities don't work because they're not defined,
     60 	% but numeric ones are fine.
     61 	replace("&amp;", "&#38;", Title, TitleAmp),
     62 	replace("&lsquo;", "&#8216;", TitleAmp, TitleLSQuo),
     63 	replace("&rsquo;", "&#8217;", TitleLSQuo, TitleRSQuo),
     64 	replace("&ldquo;", "&#8220;", TitleRSQuo, TitleLDQuo),
     65 	replace("&rdquo;", "&#8221;", TitleLDQuo, TitleRDQuo),
     66 	replace("&hellip;", "&#8230;", TitleRDQuo, FormattedTitle),
     67 	files_to_articles(Filenames, Articles).
     70 % get_link(?Filename, ?Path).
     71 %	Calculate a file's URL, given its current path.
     72 get_link(Filename, LinkPath):-
     73 	atom_codes(Filename, FilenameCodes),
     74 	file_path(RelativePath, FilenameCodes, []),
     75 	link_path(RelativePath, LinkPath, []).
     77 file_path(Path) -->
     78 	anything(_),
     79 	"/output",
     80 	anything(Path),
     81 	"/index.html".
     83 file_path(Path) -->
     84 	anything(_),
     85 	"/output",
     86 	anything(Path),
     87 	".html".
     89 link_path(RelativePath) -->
     90 	anything(RelativePath),
     91 	"/".