commit 008553bf40c881c5c5683bc9e990bdeb1c76eaec
parent bcfa2bdbba0901dffc99b36a83b3fc98a3bb6193
Author: St John Karp <>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 20:52:21 -0700
I edited the play formatter to work in a web interface and officially
titled it Playfair. This commit adds in the PHP script that calls it
and the CSS, which will be tracked here from now on.
D | | | | 139 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
A | | | | 149 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
A | script.php | | | 14 | ++++++++++++++ |
A | scriptfrenzy.css | | | 61 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
4 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- consult('/home/stjohn/XML/'),
- open(File, read, In),
- process_file(In, Play),
- close(In),
- play(HTML, Play, []),
- xml_print(HTML),
- atom_concat(File, '.html', OutFile),
- open(OutFile, write, Out),
- xml_write(Out, HTML, []),
- close(Out).
-play([element(html, [],
- [element(head, [], Head),
- element(body, [], [element(h1, [], Title)|Text])])])
- --> head(Head), double_break, body(Body), double_break, end(End), single_break,
- {member(element(title, [], Title), Head), append(Body, [End], Text)}.
-body(Scene) --> scene(Scene).
-body(Scene) --> scene(Scene1), double_break, body(Body),
- {append(Scene1, Body, Scene)}.
-scene(Scene) --> act(Act), double_break, scene_directions(SceneDirections), double_break, block_repeater(Block),
- {append([Act|SceneDirections], Block, Scene)}.
-block_repeater(Repeater) --> block(Block1), double_break, block_repeater(Block2),
- {append(Block1, Block2, Repeater)}.
-block_repeater(Block) --> block(Block).
-block([Character, CharacterStageDirections, Dialogue]) --> character(Character), single_break, character_stage_directions(CharacterStageDirections), single_break, dialogue(Dialogue).
-block([StageDirections]) --> stage_directions(StageDirections).
-block([Character, Dialogue]) --> character(Character), single_break, dialogue(Dialogue).
-scene_directions([element(p, [class = sceneDirections], [Text])]) --> text(['\n', <], Text).
-scene_directions([element(p, [class = sceneDirections], [Text])|SceneDirections]) --> text(['\n', <], Text), line_break(_), scene_directions(SceneDirections).
-stage_directions(element(p, [class = stageDirections], [Text])) --> text(['\n'], Text).
-character(element(p, [class = character], [Text])) --> text(['\n'], Text).
-dialogue(element(p, [class = dialogue], Line)) --> dialogue_line(Line).
-dialogue(element(p, [class = dialogue], Dialogue)) --> dialogue_line(Line), single_break, dialogue(element(p, [class = dialogue], Dialogue1)),
- {append(Line, [element(br, [], [])|Dialogue1], Dialogue)}.
-dialogue_line([Unit]) --> dialogue_unit(Unit).
-dialogue_line([Unit|Dialogue]) --> dialogue_unit(Unit), dialogue(element(p, [class = dialogue], Dialogue)).
-dialogue_unit(Text) --> text(['\n', <, >, '(', ')'], Text).
-dialogue_unit(Italic) --> italic(Italic).
-dialogue_unit(CDD) --> character_directions(CDD).
-character_stage_directions(element(p, [class = characterStageDirections], ['(', Text, ')'])) --> ['('], text(['\n', <, >, ')'], Text), [')'].
-italic(element(em, [], [Text])) --> [<, e, m, >], text(['\n', <, >, '(', ')'], Text), [<, '/', e, m, >].
-italic(element(em, [], [Text])) --> [<, i, >], text(['\n', <, >, '(', ')'], Text), [<, '/', i, >].
-character_directions(element(span, [class = characterDirections], ['(', Text, ')'])) --> ['('], text(['\n', <, >, '(', ')'], Text), [')'].
-head([Styles|Tags]) --> styles(Styles), sisu_repeater(Tags).
-sisu_repeater([Tag]) --> sisu_tag(Tag).
-sisu_repeater([Tag|Tags]) --> sisu_tag(Tag), double_break, sisu_repeater(Tags).
-sisu_tag(element(title, [], [Text])) --> ['@', t, i, t, l, e, ':', ' '], text(['\n'], Text).
-styles(element(link, [rel = 'stylesheet', type = 'text/css', href = '/Data/styles/scriptfrenzy.css'], [])) --> [].
-single_break --> ['\n'].
-double_break --> ['\n', '\n'].
-line_break([element(br, [], [])]) --> [<, b, r, '/', >].
-line_break([element(br, [], [])|Break]) --> [<, b, r, '/', >], line_break(Break).
-act(element(h3, [class = actScene], ['A', 'C', 'T', Text])) --> ['A', 'C', 'T'], text(['\n'], Text).
-end(element(p, [class = end], ['The End.'])) --> ['T', 'h', 'e', ' ', 'E', 'n', 'd', '.'].
-text(Forbidden, Text) --> no_funny_business(Forbidden, Text).
-no_funny_business(Forbidden, Text, List, Rest):-
- not(List = ['A', 'C', 'T'|_]),
- forbidden_fruit(Forbidden, List, CharList),
- not(CharList = []),
- atom_chars(Text, CharList),
- append(CharList, Rest, List).
-forbidden_fruit(Forbidden, [First|_], []):-
- member(First, Forbidden).
-forbidden_fruit(Forbidden, [First|Rest], [First|List]):-
- not(member(First, Forbidden)),
- forbidden_fruit(Forbidden, Rest, List).
-process_file(File, []):-
- peek_char(File, end_of_file).
-process_file(File, [Letter|List]):-
- get_char(File, Letter),
- process_file(File, List).
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+% Filename:
+% Author: St John Karp
+% Date: 3 September 2011
+% Version: 1.0
+% Purpose:
+% A program to format stage play scripts.
+% Copyright:
+% Playfair Script Formatter by St John Karp is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
+ open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]),
+ process_file(In, Play),
+ close(In),
+ play(HTML, Play, []),
+ xml_write(HTML, [header(false)]).
+play([element(html, [],
+ [element(head, [], Head),
+ element(body, [], [element(h1, [], Title)|Text])])])
+ --> head(Head), double_break, body(Body), double_break, end(End), single_break,
+ {member(element(title, [], Title), Head), append(Body, [End], Text)}.
+body(Scene) --> scene(Scene).
+body(Scene) --> scene(Scene1), double_break, body(Body),
+ {append(Scene1, Body, Scene)}.
+scene(Scene) --> act(Act), double_break, scene_directions(SceneDirections), double_break, island_repeater(Island),
+ {append([Act|SceneDirections], Island, Scene)}.
+island_repeater(Repeater) --> island(Island1), double_break, island_repeater(Island2),
+ {append(Island1, Island2, Repeater)}.
+island_repeater(Island) --> island(Island).
+island([Character, CharacterStageDirections, Dialogue]) --> character(Character), single_break, character_stage_directions(CharacterStageDirections), single_break, dialogue(Dialogue).
+island([StageDirections]) --> stage_directions(StageDirections).
+island([Character, Dialogue]) --> character(Character), single_break, dialogue(Dialogue).
+scene_directions([element(p, [class = sceneDirections], [Text])]) --> text(['\n', <], Text).
+scene_directions([element(p, [class = sceneDirections], [Text])|SceneDirections]) --> text(['\n', <], Text), line_break(_), scene_directions(SceneDirections).
+stage_directions(element(p, [class = stageDirections], [Text])) --> text(['\n'], Text).
+character(element(p, [class = character], [Text])) --> text(['\n'], Text).
+dialogue(element(p, [class = dialogue], Line)) --> dialogue_line(Line).
+dialogue(element(p, [class = dialogue], Dialogue)) --> dialogue_line(Line), single_break, dialogue(element(p, [class = dialogue], Dialogue1)),
+ {append(Line, [element(br, [], [])|Dialogue1], Dialogue)}.
+dialogue_line([Unit]) --> dialogue_unit(Unit).
+dialogue_line([Unit|Dialogue]) --> dialogue_unit(Unit), dialogue(element(p, [class = dialogue], Dialogue)).
+dialogue_unit(Text) --> text(['\n', <, >, '(', ')'], Text).
+dialogue_unit(Italic) --> italic(Italic).
+dialogue_unit(CDD) --> character_directions(CDD).
+character_stage_directions(element(p, [class = characterStageDirections], ['(', Text, ')'])) --> ['('], text(['\n', <, >, ')'], Text), [')'].
+italic(element(em, [], [Text])) --> [<, e, m, >], text(['\n', <, >, '(', ')'], Text), [<, '/', e, m, >].
+italic(element(em, [], [Text])) --> [<, i, >], text(['\n', <, >, '(', ')'], Text), [<, '/', i, >].
+character_directions(element(span, [class = characterDirections], ['(', Text, ')'])) --> ['('], text(['\n', <, >, '(', ')'], Text), [')'].
+head([Charset, Styles, Title]) --> meta_charset(Charset), styles(Styles), title(Title).
+title(element(title, [], [Text])) --> text(['\n'], Text).
+styles(element(link, [rel = 'stylesheet', type = 'text/css', href = '/scriptfrenzy.css'], [])) --> [].
+meta_charset(element(meta, [charset = 'utf-8'], [])) --> [].
+single_break --> ['\n'].
+double_break --> ['\n', '\n'].
+line_break([element(br, [], [])]) --> [<, b, r, '/', >].
+line_break([element(br, [], [])|Break]) --> [<, b, r, '/', >], line_break(Break).
+act(element(h3, [class = actScene], ['A', 'C', 'T', Text])) --> ['A', 'C', 'T'], text(['\n'], Text).
+act(element(h3, [class = actScene], ['A', 'C', 'T', Text])) --> ['A', 'c', 't'], text(['\n'], Text).
+end(element(p, [class = end], ['The End.'])) --> ['T', 'h', 'e', ' ', 'E', 'n', 'd', '.'].
+text(Forbidden, Text) --> no_funny_business(Forbidden, Text).
+no_funny_business(Forbidden, Text, List, Rest):-
+ not(List = ['A', 'C', 'T'|_]),
+ forbidden_fruit(Forbidden, List, CharList),
+ not(CharList = []),
+ atom_chars(Text, CharList),
+ append(CharList, Rest, List).
+forbidden_fruit(Forbidden, [First|_], []):-
+ member(First, Forbidden).
+forbidden_fruit(Forbidden, [First|Rest], [First|List]):-
+ not(member(First, Forbidden)),
+ forbidden_fruit(Forbidden, Rest, List).
+process_file(File, []):-
+ peek_char(File, end_of_file).
+process_file(File, [Letter|List]):-
+ get_char(File, Letter),
+ process_file(File, List).
diff --git a/script.php b/script.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if (($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "text/plain")
+&& ($_FILES["file"]["size"] < 1000000)) {
+ if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) {
+ echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";
+ }
+ else {
+ system("swipl -s -g \"play_to_html('".$_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]."')\"");
+ }
+else {
+ echo "Invalid file";
diff --git a/scriptfrenzy.css b/scriptfrenzy.css
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+body {
+ font-size: 12pt;
+h1,h2#author {
+ text-align: center;
+h3.actScene {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ page-break-before: always;
+ text-align: center;
+ {
+ page-break-after: always;
+ width: 0;
+p {
+ margin-top: 0;
+p.character {
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-bottom: 0.04in;
+p.dialogue {
+ margin-bottom: 0.22in;
+p.end {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-align: center;
+p.sceneDirections {
+ font-style: italic;
+ margin-left: 2in;
+ margin-right: 1in;
+ margin-bottom: 0.08in;
+p.stageDirections {
+ font-style: italic;
+ margin-bottom: 0.22in;
+ margin-left: 1in;
+ margin-right: 1in;
+span.characterDirections {
+ font-style: italic;
+p.characterStageDirections {
+ font-style: italic;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-bottom: 0.04in;