commit 86beb3defce8569f43265b1b10f79f413edf9dca
parent 666b1fab707b27abf35d802748c5c1445f0ddf66
Author: St John Karp <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 13:29:04 -0500
Generate RSS from HTML output
Generate the RSS feed by parsing the HTML output, which allows
us to get the generated HTML instead of posting raw Markdown.
3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
:- include('').
-:- include('').
+:- include('').
:- include('').
% generate_rss(+BuildDate, +Filenames).
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ files_to_articles([], []).
files_to_articles([Filename|Filenames], [article(Date, Title, Link, Description)|Articles]):-
open(Filename, read, Stream),
- read_file(Stream, Markdown),
+ read_file(Stream, HTML),
% Grab the link.
get_link(Filename, Link),
- % Extract the title, entry, etc. from the Markdown.
- markdown(Entry, Title, _, Date, Markdown, []),
+ % Extract the title, entry, etc. from the HTML.
+ page(Entry, Title, _, Date, HTML, []),
% XML escape the description.
replace("&", "&", Entry, EntryAmp),
replace("<", "<", EntryAmp, EntryLT),
@@ -48,18 +48,18 @@ get_link(Filename, Link):-
atom_codes(Filename, FilenameCodes),
% Just assert that this is an index file before we go further.
% Backtracking after this point will take us down a rabbit hole.
- append_lists(_, "", FilenameCodes),
+ append_lists(_, "index.html", FilenameCodes),
site_url(URL, []),
- append_lists(_, "/source", StartPath),
+ append_lists(_, "/output", StartPath),
append_lists(StartPath, Path, FilenameCodes),
- append_lists(PathWithoutFile, "", Path),
+ append_lists(PathWithoutFile, "index.html", Path),
append_lists(URL, PathWithoutFile, Link).
get_link(Filename, Link):-
atom_codes(Filename, FilenameCodes),
site_url(URL, []),
- append_lists(_, "/source", StartPath),
+ append_lists(_, "/output", StartPath),
append_lists(StartPath, Path, FilenameCodes),
- append_lists(PathWithoutExtension, ".md", Path),
+ append_lists(PathWithoutExtension, ".html", Path),
append_lists(PathWithoutExtension, "/", PathWithSlash),
append_lists(URL, PathWithSlash, Link).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
page(Entry, Title, Subtitle, Date) -->
- html(Entry, Title, Subtitle, Date).
+ html(Entry, Title, Subtitle, Date),
+ newline.
html(Entry, Title, Subtitle, Date) -->
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ ARTICLES=$(grep --recursive --include=\*.md "^Date: " "$SITE_PATH/$SOURCE_DIR" |
cut --fields=2 |
# Get the last (i.e. most recent) posts for the RSS feed.
tail -5 |
+ # Convert paths so we operate on the generated HTML, not the unformatted Markdown.
+ sed 's|.md$|.html|' |
# Glue the file names together to be passed to Prolog.
paste --serial --delimiters=',' - |
sed "s|,|','|g")
@@ -68,4 +71,3 @@ swipl --traditional --quiet -l -g "consult('$SITE_PATH/')
# Strip everything before the XML declaration.
awk "/<?xml/{i++}i" \
> "$SITE_PATH/$OUTPUT_DIR/feeds/rss.xml"
-\ No newline at end of file